Mermaid diagrams

You can insert mermaid charts and diagrams directly into markdown. This allows you to adhere to the docs-as-code philosophy. To insert a diagram, create a code block and specify the mermaid language.

A live mermaid diagram editor can be helpful when writing diagrams.


Mermaid requires heavy dependencies to render, so we offload that to a microservice we host in AWS. If you do not want to send data to our microservice, do not use Mermaid diagrams.

An example of a flowchart

To see the flowchart, you can paste this onto the Markdown page.

graph LR
    Install --> Markdown --> Paths --> Mermaid --> ?

Edit the flowchart

This training course won't cover the mermaid library in much depth.

We will replace the ? in the flowchart with what's up next:

  • page table of contents

Try to edit this page and replace the ? with TOC.

Now, try to replace that with Table of contents. You should see an error if you replaced it like this.

graph LR
    Install --> Markdown --> Paths --> Mermaid --> Table of contents

Error: Parse error on line 2: ...> Mermaid --> Table of contents -----------------------^ Expecting 'SEMI', 'NEWLINE', 'EOF', 'AMP', 'START_LINK', 'LINK', got 'ALPHA'

The space causes mermaid to error. Fix it using this escape technique.

graph LR
    Install --> Markdown --> Paths --> Mermaid --> TOC[Table of contents]

Extra credit

You could spend a day trying all of the different kinds of mermaid diagrams.

You could try to reproduce the diagram on Redocly's docs homepage.