Install the developer portal
git clone
cd developer-portal-starter
Install dependencies
Before you start... you'll need node and yarn installed.
yarn install
Depending on your operating system, you may see warnings when installing dependencies.
Start the development environment
yarn start
This command will start a development server. Most functionality exists in the development server except for search. When the server is ready, the url will be published to the console. It may default to http://localhost:3000. Open that in a browser to see this developer portal load.
Stop the development environment
Press control and c.
Clearing cache
Troubleshooting? Try this out.
A few changes (such as changing the key of a sidebar definition) require clearing cache to reflect in the local server. We actively reduce these to make the best development environment experience possible.
- Press control-c.
yarn clean
in the command prompt to clear the cache. -
yarn start
Next steps
You are ready to train!
Go to the training exercises list.